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Below are the configurable environment parameters for the UI.

  • FIELD is the name of the environment variable to be configured within the velero-watchdog-config ConfigMap.
  • Helm KEY is the related key defined in the Helm chart.


BACKUP_ENABLEwatchdogConfig.backupEnableBoolTrueEnable watcher for backups without schedule or last backup for each schedule
DEBUGwatchdogConfig.debugBoolFalseView debugging information.
EMAIL_ACCOUNT *watchdogConfig.emailAccountStringuser name account
EMAIL_ENABLE *watchdogConfig.emailEnableBoolFalseEnable email notification
EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER *watchdogConfig.emailSmtpServerStringSMTP server
EMAIL_SMTP_PORT *watchdogConfig.emailSmtpPortint587SMTP port
EMAIL_PASSWORD *watchdogConfig.emailPasswordStringpassword account
EMAIL_RECIPIENTS *watchdogConfig.emailRecipientsBoolEmail recipients
EXPIRES_DAYS_WARNINGwatchdogConfig.expiresDaysWarningint10Number of days to backup expiration below which to display a warning about the backup
IGNORE_NM_1Stringregex to ignore a namespace or a group of namespaces
IGNORE_NM_2Stringregex to ignore a namespace or a group of namespaces
IGNORE_NM_3Stringregex to ignore a namespace or a group of namespaces
K8S_INCLUSTER_MODE **watchdogConfig.k8SInclusterModeBoolFalseEnable in cluster mode
K8S_VELERO_NAMESPACEwatchdogConfig.k8sVeleroNamespaceStringveleroName of the namespace where vmware-tanzu/velero is deployed
LOG_SAVEBoolFalseSave log to files
NOTIFICATION_SKIP_COMPLETEDwatchdogConfig.notificationSkipCompletedBoolTrueSkip notification new completed backup
NOTIFICATION_SKIP_DELETINGwatchdogConfig.notificationSkipDeletingBoolTrueSkip notification backup deleting
NOTIFICATION_SKIP_INPROGRESSwatchdogConfig.notificationSkipInProgressBoolTrueSkip notification new in progress backup
NOTIFICATION_SKIP_REMOVEDwatchdogConfig.notificationSkipRemovedBoolTrueSkip notification backup removed
PROCESS_CLUSTER_NAME * **watchdogConfig.processClusterNameStringForce the cluster name and it appears in the message
PROCESS_LOAD_KUBE_CONFIG *BoolTrueSet False if it runs on k8s.
PROCESS_KUBE_CONFIGStringPath to the kube config file. This is mandatory when the script runs outside the Kubernetes cluster, either in a docker container or as a native script.
REPORT_BACKUP_ITEM_PREFIXwatchdogConfig.reportBackupItemPrefixStringAdd a prefix to backup items in reports
REPORT_SCHEDULE_ITEM_PREFIXwatchdogConfig.reportScheduleItemPrefixStringAdd a prefix to schedule items in reports
PROCESS_CYCLE_SECwatchdogConfig.processCycleSecInt120Cycle time (seconds)
SLACK_CHANNEL *watchdogConfig.slackChannelBoolChannel id where sens the notification
SLACK_ENABLE *watchdogConfig.slackEnableBoolEnable Slack notification
SLACK_TOKEN *watchdogConfig.slackTokenBoolToken for access to Slack via Http API
SCHEDULE_ENABLEwatchdogConfig.scheduleEnableBoolTrueEnable watcher for schedule
TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN *watchdogConfig.telegramTokenStringToken for access to Telegram bot via Http API
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID *watchdogConfig.telegramChatIdStringTelegram chat id where send the notifications
TELEGRAM_ENABLE *watchdogConfig.telegramEnableBoolFalseEnable telegram notification

* Mandatory parameters

** Mandatory if it is deployed on cluster

Apprise Integration – Draft Documentation

This is just a draft to describe the new feature integrating Apprise. A more detailed version will be available soon.

Starting from version 0.1.19, Apprise has been introduced as a service for sending notifications. The settings can be managed directly from the app. Once the changes are saved, you can restart the Watchdog from the UI to apply the new user configurations.

To correctly configure the notification delivery services, you can refer to the official Apprise repository

If you are using email notifications, for proper formatting, add &format=markdown to your request.